Brokerage Services
In addition to our marine surveying services, we also offer buyer brokerage services. We are very capable of handling and setting up a purchase and sale agreement. The hardest part of selling or buying boats is to actually know the boats! We have intimate knowledge of most makes and models and can steer a prospective buyer in the right direction by having direct insight into the pros and cons. If we are representing you in the deal, rest assured you have an expert in your corner.
We are active marine surveyors with over 12 years experience and over 3,000 pre-purchase surveys under our belt. We can look at a boat and know its quality in short order. We have the eye and market knowledge to find the right vessel to fit your needs QUICKLY. No other brokerage firm can offer the insight we can. We also are a no pressure broker – if a boat just isn’t right we will advise you pass on it, simple as that. Yacht sales is a part of our business it is not ALL of our business. We would love for you to buy a boat and allow us to earn a commission but if you don’t it’s not going to affect us the way it would for a full time broker.
Once our services are retained, we use our years of marine surveying experience to help you the buyer find the right vessel in record time. We accomplish this by narrowing down the perfect boat to offer on based on your needs. Once we know the type of boat or lifestyle you are trying to achieve we then begin researching boats far away and visiting boats nearby to see if they are worth an offer and worth everyone’s time to pursue. We are able to do this quickly because we are active marine surveyors and know what to look for and ask about. Once a good boat is identified, we alert the buyer of it and pursue an offer if the buyer chooses. Once under contract, we oversee the contract and inspection period to make sure things go smoothly. Finally, we review the surveyors report (we cannot survey the boats we are brokers on) and advise the buyer on how to proceed with the deal and put costs together for a counter offer or straight acceptance.